Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Years

Camp King Officers Club Oberursel, Germany
I may be on line, I don't know. I had a college kid studying computers come to install my printer yesterday and because it was getting late and I really don't like driving after dark I took him home and was going to get him today to finish but the weather set in so I told him I'd come get him when the weather clears up. He is the youngest son of my heat and air conditioner man and that family is really good to me. His Dad comes anytime I call and his Mom makes apple butter that is spectacular and plays the flute for the nursing home residents----she also rides her own motorcycle. He got my printer hooked up but was going to get the computer set up with some more stuff and hook up the Skype. He is a little like the absent-minded professor but he really knows computer stuff. The people around here charge a dollar a minute. This kid was delighted with 20 bucks and didn't really expect anything so as soon as the weather clears I'll go get him to finish and also get him to put in some light bulbs I can't reach and really don't like climbing on ladders anymore. I did get out today and took Maggie's gift to her and picked up some groceries so I'm set now. Annie has been sick--she and Stuart got hung up in a snow bank the other day on the way to work and it took them an hour and a half to dig out and she only had on scrubs and a light jacket plus her kidney is still bothering her. No I don't have plans for New Year's Eve. Dad and I have had some terrific times on that night. We used to go and stay in the hotel or nearby so we didn't have to drive and party like there was no tomorrow or surely you remember the parties we had at Camp King. Susie Jonk used to have the evening party and I would do new years day or visa versa----at any rate it was great fun. We went to Spain one year from Portugal to the Valpariaso Restaurant. Took a Mercedes cab up from the little Hostel in Fungerola to Km 4i/2 up the mountain towards Mijas. It was really pricey but worth it .We had a whole lobster, a small leg of lamb with vegetables and for dessert half a pineapple carved out filled with fruit. An open bar, special wines with the meal. An Irish band and we danced til 4AM and took a taxi back to Fuengirola. Dad introduced me to those kind of things and then I would plan something special for us and he was usually as happy as a gooney bird----one night in Spain we were in Alicante and after we got home we sat on the floor and watched the light house light shine in the window and drank Cointreau and just enjoyed the pleasure of our love. So when I really start feeling low I try to pick out a beautiful memory like that and go with it. It might be fun to go back as far as I can remember and just write about our New year' celebrations and Patti used to call us nearly every new year's she loved that holiday. It is really painful to think of Patti, Mike and Dad not being here anymore but I do Thank God for the time we had together and the memories we shared together. Thanks for writing me-----Josh took his "Tater" and baby Case home today. I'd like to be a fly on the wall as they make it through the first night with new baby but he seemed confident he could do it. I need to get off this back porch as something is wrong with the heating unit and Jack is going to come fix it tomorrow. I Love You---Stay in touch---MOMXO

1 comment:

mary said...

Happy New Year -Mom--Steve and the kids and I spent New Years at the cabin--relaxing and eating and watching movies and shooting fireworks in the wilderness--Lots of snow --crisp cold night--beautiful and powerful full moon. Sounds like your New Years Eves through the years would make quite a story. Love--Mary